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Pub/Form Number, TM 11-5895-1868-13&P. Pub/Form Date, 01/01/2018. Pub/Form Title, TECHNICAL MANUAL OPERATOR AND FIELD MAINTENANCE MANUAL INCLUDING REPAIR The Journal of the Boa.rd of Agriculture and Fisheries is p11blished monthly by the c<mt. A. Fish (excluding Canned Fish): B. Fruits and Vegetabl-.:ont.Pub/Form Number, TM 11-5895-1869-13&P-1. Pub/Form Date, 12/31/2020. Pub/Form Title, TECHNICAL MANUAL OPERATOR AND FIELD MAINTENANCE MANUAL INCLUDING REPAIR P ublic institutions, uni versities and coll eges [G] . par 1~ in ities aud tow11- fa,·or n <rood ~" t m of ,: hools witl1 ,:twh ,t.
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